Our brown eggs are laid daily by about 20 of my Buff Orpington hens. They are free-range and enjoy five acres of pasture. Rest assured that our eggs come from cage-free hens that enjoy a wonderful life. We are currently raising some Easer Egger pullets. These are chickens that lay a green or blue colored egg! The eggs are nutritionally the same as the Buff Orpington's, except the shell color is different.
Eggs are sold $2.50 per dozen, straight from the nest. We may start selling at a local farmer's market. Eggs sold at the farmer's market will be $3.50 per dozen and will be packaged according to USDA standards.
We have meat chicken available at various times of the year. We raise small batches of cornish cross chicken in the spring and in the fall. These chickens are the same breed as you buy at the local grocery store or meat market. We are working to raise our next batch of meat chickens on pasture. The chickens are processed and cryo packaged in Utica, MN at a USDA inspected facility and are sold directly from our farm to the consumer. The quality of the chicken is best described as DELICIOUS! Price is $2.50/lb whole or quartered.
We raise animals on our hobby farm to keep in touch with our farming roots, to teach others and our children where our food comes from, and because, well, we enjoy it! We both keep full-time jobs and farm in our spare time. We are proud to share this experience with you, the consumer.
Thanks for visiting us!